LocationsSOUTH PARKAddress:5610 Carnegie Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28209South Park location on Google MapsPhone:Call the South Park location on(704) 440-3611 VISIT US at South Park locationPLAZA MIDWOODAddress:1906 Commonwealth Ave, Charlotte, NC 28205Plaza Midwood location on Google MapsPhone:Call the Plaza Midwood location on(844) 467-5683 VISIT US at Plaza Midwood locationWEST MOREHEADAddress:2013 W Morehead St Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28208West Morehead location on Google MapsPhone:Call the West Morehead location on(980) 202-3380 VISIT US at West Morehead locationTROLLEY BARN FERMENTORY & FOOD HALLAddress:2104 South Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28203Trolley Barn Fermentory & Food Hall location on Google MapsPhone:Call the Trolley Barn Fermentory & Food Hall location on(980) 938-0984 VISIT US at Trolley Barn Fermentory and Food Hall location